Language: ENGLISH

Under-Eye Light Filling

What İs The Under-Eye Light Filling?

Filling materials; The filler which is applied to various regions and the various regions of the face, the repairs are in summary the beautifying substances.Perhaps the most beautiful and fastest region of these beautification materials is the eye,  under-eye zone.

İmportant Points

When it comes to being the most precious organ such as the “Eye of the Day”, it is expected that every process made to it will be featured. It is a rapidly swollen brusing area in any intervention that requires subconsciousness. Because communication with people is provided with eyes first the appearance of this region is much more important. So you have to be touched by this area so that there is not swell, empurpling and the indiviual can turn back to daily life as soon as possible. The light fillings developed in recent years are suitable for this delicate structure of the eye, easy to apply with minimum side effects. Due to the hyaluronic acid, antiage substances and amino acids they contain, it has become much easier to fix under-eye dark circle, detention bags and under-eye cavities.

Form Of İmplementation

The application is made with a “Blunt” tipped material called “Cannula”, which is not a needle. There is no bruising or swelling as it reduces this trauma.


Immediately the effect starts when it is done, the patient realizes the enlightenment in the patient’s eyes and the rejuvenation in the face. From twenty-eight years old, it can easily be applied to under-eye darkening, under-eye bag, under-eye and surrounding lines and under-eye pit. If you want your eyes not to look dark, tired,  it is enough to give your Dermatologist 10 minutes.


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