What Are The Steps Of Our Medical Skin Care?
** After your doctor’s examination and control
- General cleaning of the skin
- Mechanical Peeling
- Oxidation with steam
- Cyst, komedon, black spot pore cleaning
- High frequency disinfection
- Removal of serum requirement with iontophoresis
- Appropriate mask on the skin
- Providing lymph drainage with massage and relieving skin
- Q Switched laser tightening of pores, yellowing of hair and skin lightening
When Is Appropriate Moisturing Done?
- Providing revival on Sensitive bindings at the request of tightening,
- Need of moisturing on dry skins,
- Acne complaints,
- Cyst, komedon, black spot complaint.
How Much Does İt Take?
First Dermatologist examination is done for skin analysis. After care, relax with a massage and clean the pores with Q-Switch Laser, lighten the skin while the hair is yellowed. In total, medical skin care is an application that lasts 1 – 1,5 hours on average, Next Session Medical skin care is recommended once a month to protect against skin external factors and wear that will occur for many years.
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