Language: ENGLISH

Phytic Acid ( Gentle Peel )

Almost all of us have common desire; ‘ Let me make something beautiful in my face, get nice but not side effects.Especially if the peeling don’t make peel and redness.Exactly at this point Phytic Acid peeling help both patients and the doctors.

Peelings; almost the most experienced skin renewal applications. Peels from the first time to now, in terms of comfort have come a long way in favor of comfort an done of the best example of this phytic acid peels.

Phytic acid; it’s a very good alternative to acids that irritate the skin.

It helps to renew gentle skin, our patients can regain their new skin without disturbance.

Phytic Acid has 3 main effects;

  1. It helps to skin oil balancing.
  2. Melanin, which gives color to our skin, it helps to remove the spots on th skin.
  3. Strengthens collagen and elastin, thus helping the skin to be tight and brighter.

Which skin type can do Phytic acid ?

  1. If we have acne and oily skin and we don’t want to use medicine then we can do.
  2. If our skin begins slowly to stain and fine lines appear.
  3. If we have big pores and we want to reach a better skin,
  4. If we don’t have a specific complaint but we need to protect and revive the existing,
  5. If we want to return to our daily activities immediatly after the application then we can use this treatment.

After this procedure what should we do ?

You need to use sun protect cream at least 3 times a day which the doctor reccommend to you.


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