Language: ENGLISH

How B0tox Works ?

How Does B0t0x Work?

The lines on the face that disturbs us are; Our gestures, our muscular movements are the result. B0t0x temporarily stops the contraction of the muscles at this point, preventing our lines from forming. From the procedure, only the muscle we are applying is affected, and the muscles and the surrounding structures are not affected.

Used Situations:

  • Wrinkle Treatment
  • The middle of the forehead, the destruction of the leadership line
  • In the disappearance of the lines around the eyes called goose feet,
  • In the treatment of the lines formed by raising the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead
  • In thin line treatment with cheek mimic
  • On the upper lip of the mimic strip (note patient selection)
  • In young patients, to make the “nefertiti neck”, which is also known as reducing the jowl and featuring the jaw,
  • To reduce neck transverse and longitudinal lines
  • To reduce the lines between the decollete and the breast

We use our mimics every moment. This causes our lines to become deeper and deeper. B0T0X application can be used to prevent premature aging.


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