What İs Radiofrequency With Needle?
Rf provide heating deep skin lead to thightining, rejuvenating in a controlled manner.
In Whıch Sıtuatıons Does It Apply?
- Acne scar and spots
- Pore thightining,
- Thin lines
- Skin rejuvenation
- Under eye bag
- Sagging of eyelid
- Neck lines and saggings
- Hand rejuvenation
- Crack treatment ( abdomen,arm,arm,hip and breast)
- Wound, burn, chickenpox scars
How Many Does İt Takes Sessions?
It takes 1 or 6 sessions, it changes duo to patient.
When Time Results Occur?
About two weeks after the results starts to occure and gets better day by day,
Is it Possible To Return To Social Life İmmediately?
The patient can easily return to social life after one day of application. Swelling and pinging can take 24 hours. The patient can make-up..
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